From 1990-th we satisfy needs of our banks-customers, looking through the retail sector development. For the past 30 years we implemented a lot of processing products for retail, we witnessed the revolution on the market and contributed to the technological development.
The main problem of the merchant networks was the separate mechanism of the settlement between the POS-terminal connection, e-commerce and direct debit. So that each merchant had to contract the separate provider to create and maintain the new sales channel. Of course, this problem caused high operational costs and difficulties of the sales logistics.
Connecting our first e-commerce customer in 1990-th in Russia – GUM mall on the Red square with more than 500 different shops, this problem has been identified. Only 15 years later, with the advent of new technological opportunities this problem has been resolved, and we offered one SM3000 solution for our banks-customers and their retail networks: one settlement mechanism for three different sales channels, e-commerce, POS and direct debit.

The other problem, that retail was in front of is a different vendor approach for it one and main business purpose: to fix the customer, to convert it into the current consumer and to offer finished product at one time and one place.
We bet, that the most of you have a POS-terminal from one vendor and prepaid or gift cards from the other one. This case increases the transaction costs to charge the card and maintain your current customer.
So that we developed the solution, that allows to the merchant to cross POS, e-com or direct debit acceptance technology with it own international branded card without additional costs and fees, to provide him this product at the moment of the sale.

The product logistics is very important for retail. You are agree with us, that the speed and the quality of the service are key factors for the retail business grow!
How to give the personalized card to your customer? The answer to this question is a modern NFC based technology, based on our processing platform with a web-interface and integrations tools for any merchant. Today the gift card – is a symbol of the retail. And this symbol as “a gift” has become a reality. Most of merchants present a gift card to its customers. But a los of cards in their wallets has become a problem of the competition. So we offered to our customer new option to fix it rapidly and to let pay attention: we developed one step NFC bracelets, rings and other NFC devices issuing at the store directly and for 5 seconds!
The modern NFC technology in the combination with a traditional issuing processing facilities let us create the pre-defined your customer profile with a ready-to-go cheap payment and bonus instrument. Only one step your staff should do – activate it, charging a card and filling in the main customer data.
If your are e-comm based only one – it’s not a problem: we are ready to issue a digital card for your customer and print and mail it when it’ll be requested, without re-issuing procedure.