If you have your own crypto wallet or prefers to use our SM 3000 CRYPTO platform, we can link it to the card as an access instrument to use it with POS, ATM or SST, without FIAT and money conversions for payment operations.
The easiest and cheapest way to start giving a crypto card to your customer as a payment and an access instrument to your crypto wallet is to create your own card design and print the card physically or virtually, accompanied with a POS, ATM or e-commerce acceptance terminal. You can start doing it in a couple of days without any licenses or investments. This card will be accepted by yourself in your own stores or of your partners and processed using our processing facilities.
In the case of the using card-wallet direct connection, all of the crypto based operations will be processed in the crypto currencies without any FIAT money conversions.
The best product that you can offer to your customer is a MasterCard/ VISA o other payment system based card, which can be accepted not in your store only, but in the whole payment system network around the world.
If your card goes through your point of sale, it’l be processed in crypto currencies. If it’ll go to the payment system infrastructure,- it’ll be processed in the currency, depending on the country and region.
To start doing this card you must have your own payment system license or the bank/ company partner, which provides you the payment system license for the gift card issuing with you own design. This card will be the banking one and will be issued under the Co-brand issuing program id you’ll prefer to work with a bank/ financial company and not become a payment system member.
Like a gift card the prepaid card in Crypto currencies can be issued under the white label brand or using the payment system products. It can be disposable one without additional charging and identification procedures, or re-chargeable, depending on the AML requirements of your country.
In the case of the white label card you don’t need any license and it’ll be accepted in your own network only. With a payment system brand it’ll be worldwide acceptable. The second one can require the special license from the financial regulator in your country.
Credit crypto cards is a very special product, that can increase your customer sales volumes. The specific of the product is in the crypto currencies exchange operations rentability, fixing the sales amount into the cryptocurrency on the current day and payments creations, using the future grap.
The credit crypto card scheme issuing is the same as for the FIAT credit consumer card.
As a part of the crypto card product, additional tools such as credits, gifts or bonuses can be activated for the program. At the same time, for a store that does not yet have online sales, its own online store can be developed with the acceptance of the card, using merchant crypto-wallet pdf the SM3000 CRYPTO platform.

The POS terminal installed by the seller in the store allows the following actions with magnetic and chip cards, as well as with cards and NFC devices:
- sale in Crypto and FIAT currencies,
- balance view,
- credit sale in Crypto and FIAT currencies,
- bonuses,
- replenishment of the card (change of the card limit),
- cancellation of the sale,
- return,
- reports and closing of the day.
The terminal monitor displays the logo and store data. For the further information on the available POS-terminals, please, go here.